2023. 5. 4. 17:50ㆍ영어 회화
We read about Level 1,2,3 of Topic and we listened voice who native speaker on the Web.
after, we got free talking about weather and we did test what word about topic of Disney kingdom(yesterday's topic)
at last, we just said what i shared infomal talking sentence.
Test words
- threatened animal (an animal which is in danger and may not exist anymore)
: 멸종 위기 동물
- conservation (protecting earth’s resources for future generations) :
: 미래 세대를 위한 지구의 자원 보호(구글 번역기) / 자연 보호 단체?로 이해하면 될까?
- charismatic (likable and naturally drawing attention)
: 자연스럽게 호감이 가는(저절로 호감이 가는?)
- pollinator garden (a garden designed to grow specific nectar and pollen-producing plants)
: 식물을 보호하고 자랄 수 있게 설계된 정원
I think maybe those words aren't used much in general.
it wasn't hard than yesterday(Disney kingdom). but was bad news.
Difficult words
- crossroads (a place where more roads meet)
: 길들이 만나는 곳(교차로)
- pillar (a thing to show cars where to drive)
: 어디로 운전해야 하는지 보여주는 것 (표지판, 이정표)
- passer-by (a person who is passing by when something happens)
: 뭔가 일어난 것을 지나치는 사람 (불편한 것을 지나치는 사람-방관자 같은걸까?)
5/4(Thu) Informal
1. 3ways to express wishes and desures in English
1) I wish + simple past
ex) i wish i had more time
i wish i could travel more often
she wishes she spoke English better
2)if only + simple past
ex) if only inlived in The bahas
if only shw were my best friend
if only i could fly
3) i would like to + base form verb
ex) i would like to win the lottery
we wolud like to travel more often
my sister would like to be a mom